September 01 2020 – Joshua Levi Rasen

Launching our FIRST 'Member's Day' after 6 years!!
I can't believe it's been 6 whole years!! GOSHHHHHHHHH!! Time really does fly!!
Being around for more than half a decade, CG and I both spent massive amounts of time operating the business by ourselves. Recently we came across a video on Youtube saying that the number 1 thing business owners must try to avoid is to become the operators themselves. It suggested that our time should be spent on branding and steering the company in the right direction instead of getting lost in the day-to-day operations...
Though what we are doing couldn't be further from what the video suggested, we are extremely glad, happy and blessed to be operators of our business; simply because we love it too damn much!!
Having said that, this is probably the reason why we have never launched a 'Member's Day' for our store, even though we had this idea floating in our minds for years. I guess one of the challenges and also interesting things of being an operator is that we are always too busy to get all our ideas out into the World as we try to juggle between our daily operations and doing the necessary for growth...
However, we are glad to announce that we are finally ready to start giving back in a massively fun way!!
Starting from this month, September 2020, WTF will be throwing a 'Member's Day' Party every FIRST 'WTF' of the month (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) to celebrate all of you beautiful souls that have supported us throughout the years; keeping us afloat and hopeful with your loyalty, craziness and laughter...
To kick off our Monthly celebration, we will be throwing a 30% Discount off any non-promotional purchase + a Free Signature Charm worth MYR 79 to all 4,000 of our members! This celebration will be done across all our social media platforms & in our official stores...
We would like to take this chance to thank all of you for sticking out for us in times of need; for being our pillars of hope in times of need, that bundle of love and for taking a leapt of faith and believing in us throughout these years...
One of the most amazing and mysterious things about life is the liberation that we get from giving. It's so powerful to wake up each day and ask ourselves, "How can we give more today?"
Discovering that 'the secret to living is in giving', took the attention and burden of achieving completely out of our minds; freeing our souls to do the things necessary to give back into the world. It empowered us to empower others in so many different ways, and to say that nothing beats the feeling of giving, is a complete understatement in our books!
We promise to repay your trust by helping all those who are helpless, all those who seek solace and all those who are searching for empowerment through our work each day. We will not let you down!! This we promise you...
Having said that, come join us and have some fun on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of September 2020 and let's get creative together...
See you guys sooooooonnnnnnn; and above all, 'Stay You' always...
10% from all purchases goes back into our World...✵