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"Through You I Spread My Wings"



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"Through You I Spread My Wings"


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  • Product Description
      "Imagine walking into every situation, meeting, task and decision with the feeling of always knowing what to do. Imagine having no fear about confrontation, challenges or frightening situations regardless of who you are with in the room. Imagine walking around with such a huge sense of clarity that nothing fazes you at all. 
      This is what it feels like to be in touch with your inner wisdom. Noticed that we used the word 'Inner'. If you find yourself here today, you may feel that you are not good enough, smart enough or blessed enough to feel that way. Do you feel that in order to feel such confidence and clarity, you need to learn more, consume more and find more answers?

      We used to think that way too once upon a time. However knowing what we know now about ourselves, there is never one situation where we have ever walked in being afraid. Is there a magic trick to this? I would say yes, and no...

      No is because its not something you don't already know; and yes because whenever we are in that state, we become irresistible!

      They can hate you or love you, but trust me, no one can ever ignore your presence. You see the problem is, our brains are wired to protect ourselves first before anything else. Therefore we walk in to situations subconsciously thinking 'what is it that I can get out of this today?

      Our brains are trained to look for benefits around us. It's been programmed in such a way. However, when we come from that state, we vibrate on a level of scarcity which causes us to lock ourselves up and only look for personal benefits. This causes us to always be on the look out for things that we can extract which indirectly causes our brains to only focus on what's good for us based on our previous experiences...

      By being in such a state, we limit ourselves from the inspiration from the spaces that we are in, we limit our ability to connect to our environment and we limit ourselves from the most precious gift of life, which is the ability to connect to one another...
      However, the secret to overcoming this is simple yet many find it difficult to do because of the way we are wired by our realities. The one magic trick that we use, is to always make ourselves '1000% Available for everyone one to experience us whenever we walk into a situation'...

      "Shift your mindset from 'what is it that I can take from this moment' to 'What is it that I can give to all of you in this moment?' When you come from such a space, your vibration becomes infectious. People are drawn to you whether they like or not. They cant stop looking at you. They can't stop listening to you. That's because most people are in it to take, while you are in it to give.

      And trust me when I say this, if you shift your mentality to a state of 'offering', the wisdom of the universe that is around you, inside of you and everyone else around you starts to come your way with ease. You start to connect with the energy of life, the energy of love, and the energy of the universe.

      This piece was made to ground you to your surroundings, helping you to emphatize with the situation you're in and with all those around you while bringing about the spirit of giving in you. It is made to connect you with your higher self, and be availble for the world to experience the phenomenon; which is YOU..." 


      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Necklace 
      Material        : Natural Stones, Brass, Stainless Steel
      Stones          : Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Lava Rock, Hematite, Tektite, Tiger's Eye, Agate
      Colour           : Dark Blue, Black, Silver, Gold
      Length           : 55-60cm

      All items purchased from WTF come with a matching jewellery packaging. Lend your gift a more personal note with one of our greetings cards.


      1) Natural Stones: 

      Tektite (Meteorite) : Grounding energy, enhances sensitivity, luck stone, protection, strength, cleansing negativity, stimulates new discoveries.

      Tiger's Eye: Protection, willpower, intuition, confidence, clarity, heal broken bones, fertility, enhances other stones, courage in recognizing ideas

      Agate : Strength, Relaxation, Balancing Yin Yang Energies, Anger Management, Good Luck, Heals Relationships, Improves Eyesight, Relaxation

      Kyanite : A powerful stone of protection for vivid dreams and altered states, one of the 2 stones in the Crystal Kingdom that only retains positive energy, aligns and balances chakras causing a sudden surge of energy, removes energy blockages, brings honesty, loyalty, tranquility

      Hematite :  (Nickname: The Iron Rose) Strength, Stability, Balance, Blood Disorders, Stress Relief, Reynaud's disorder, Strengthen's silver cord

      Lapis : Stone of communication, truth, protection, intuition, mental clarity, centering yourself, strengthens the mind, helps in expression, organizing life, helpful in sinus, cancer, heart, depression. Excellent manifestation stone and is said to be the bridge between men and the Divine.

      Volcanic Lava Rocks: Stone of Strength, protection, stability, fertility, understanding, wisdom and keeps us grounded. Excellent for blood circulation and to be used in baths and water for purification.


      Stay Different, Stay Real... always

      #WTFBracelet #StayDifferentStayReal


  • Product Details
    • Variant: BUY THIS
    • SKU:
    • In Stock: 100
    • Weight: 0.2 kg
    • Product Type: necklace
    • Collection: Necklace
