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Crystal & Gemstone Meanings

Crystals, Healing & Journeying Back To You...

  • Bamboo Agate

    June 12 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Bamboo Agate

    Being called to this stone means you are being called to 'Forgive'. It means that the secret to your 'Peace' lies in your ability to Accept, Forgive and Let go of the memories that are no longer serving you.

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  • Rose Quartz

    May 04 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Rose Quartz

    Connecting with a rose quartz transcends our energy in a powerful way. It raises our vibration to the frequency of love, while attracting all that is in line with this vibration. It teaches us that our ability to love others deeply begins with our ability to love ourselves more. It helps us heal from emotional pains & trauma caused by...

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  • Agate

    April 22 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    By connecting to the Agate, we bring gratitude back into our lives again; a sense of gratefulness for the blessings around us, while teaching us that 'Grief' comes from the loss of 'What was', 'Acceptance' from the recognition of 'What is', and 'Creation' from a place of 'What we can do' in moments of despair, pain and uncertainty...

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  • Chrysocolla

    October 17 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    A stone of Forgiveness, communication and harmony, this powerful stone is known for its ability to help us express our hearts and our wisdom selflessly; empowering those around us through the gift of 'Giving'...

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