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"I Shall Not Be Shaken"



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"I Shall Not Be Shaken"


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  • Product Description

      Why Am I Attracted To This?

      Seeking balance & connection, Feeling Uncertain, Doubtful, Worry about the past & the future, Fear of failing, A sense of connection to mother nature, Seeking to understand nature's ways more, Life is or has been chaotic, Searching for transformation, Desires better relationships

      How Can This Creation Help Me?

      Brings a powerful transformation, Clears away those who are no longer serving your higher purpose, Calms & relaxes our senses while giving us a sense of comfort, Grounds negativity, Brings empathy, compassion & deeper understanding, Improves our relationships with love, Centres us to be in line with the universe, Brings a deeper sense of gratitude for life

      Wisdom & Intention For This Creation :

      "If you find this stone calling unto you, chances are is that you may be feeling unstable and uncertain about where your future lies. The feelings of insecurity, lack or fear may have taken over the excitement ambition, aspiration and dreams. You may feel that it's getting harder each minute; that time is moving faster each day which makes it hard for you to keep up; and with each passing minute, your work is piling up to the point you feel like breaking down and exploding into a million pieces...
      Don't worry, you are not alone. We've been there before. We too have found ourselves in a corner more than once, pinned down with no help and overwhelming challenges that kept coming our way. However, one thing we learnt, is that whenever the feeling of overwhelm starts to take over, it's time to take a step back, breathe in and recenter ourselves. The quickest way out of this is by closing our eyes and think about all the things that we are grateful for; feeling every moment with our senses, until a smile starts to creep up on us...
      This necklace is meant to help us relax and keep us grounded; reminding us to be grateful for all the wonderful blessings that surrounds us; the chaos in the calm, and the calm in the chaos...
      In times like these, we often miss the Grace of God; the benevolent web of life, the magic of the human experience. By recognizing that every stumbling block is a building block to our dreams, we begin to realize that life isn't so tough after all. It's just full of mysteries to be solved, lessons to be learnt and victories to be claimed; and it is from this state, that you become unshakable..."

      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Necklace 
      Material        : Natural Stones, Stainless Steel 
      Stones          : Agate
      Colour           : Gold, Earthy Tones
      Length           : 50cm

      All items purchased from WTF come with a matching jewellery packaging. Lend your gift a more personal note with one of our greetings cards.


      1) Natural Stones: 

      Agates & Onyx occur as nodules(lump of mineral) in volcanic rocks or ancient lavas and various kinds of rocks. It's only distinct difference is in its bands which is; parallel for onyx and curved for agate.

      In Ancient times, agates were used on the breastplates of a warrior's armor as it was known to have given them strength & make them victorious in battles.

      Another historical fact is that agate stones were placed in cooking or water for drinking to dispel sickness.

      Agate is a very protective stone especially for children, and makes an excellent stone for children's amulets, medicine bags, jewelry, or just to be carried around in a pocket. Agate is also used to protect against harmful spirits.

      Properties: Stone of relaxation, calming, cleansing negativity, balancing aura & yin yang energies, vitality, strengthen eyesight, strength, protection, harmony & healing, Good Luck stone, helping to heal and improve relationships

      Elements: Earth

      Magical Uses: Helps in forgiveness, releasing despair & anger, determination, personal courage, creativity & stone of marital & romantic fidelity

      If you have forthcoming battles in sight that have to do with your family or business affairs where you need extra strength, courage and determination to endure on your path, agate is the right stone for you.

      It can be found mostly in Mexico, Brasil, Australia, USA, and Morocco.

      Birthstone: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn


      Stay Different, Stay Real... always

      #WTFBracelet #StayDifferentStayReal



  • Product Details
