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7 Chakras : " I Come As One, But I Stand As 10,000"


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7 Chakras : " I Come As One, But I Stand As 10,000"


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  • Product Description


      Why Am I Attracted To This?

      Desires divine strength & courage, clarity, vision, intuition, faith, desires to feel unconditional love, unstable financially, rocky relationship, desires abundance, longing for divine wisdom & guidance, want the willpower to push on

      How Can This Creation Help Me?

      Brings Divine Faith, removes feeling of 'lack' or 'scarcity', improves vision & clarity, strengthens intuition, attracts insights to the future possibilities, improves patience, builds relationships, invites the strength and wisdom of our ancestors, masters and divine beings

      Intention of this piece : 

      "If you find yourself touched by this piece, chances are is that you've been through a tough time; fighting against all odds to build a better life for yourself and the people around you. You desire a life filled with endless possibilities for the people around you; you desire a limitless life and with that, you desire to give back as much as you can through the blessings that you receive once you're fulfilled. Though at times it seems like a long and windy road, occasionally you catch glimpses of Grace working in your favour; aiding you with unexplained miracles and synchronicities whenever all seems lost. A part of you longs to be more connected spiritually; desperate for the presence of God in everything that you do...

      Not too long ago, we found ourselves in a similar situation, wondering if the Universe is blowing hot and cold in our favour. One moment we would rise to the very top in a matter of months, and the next moment it would all come crumbling down. In those moments, we often find ourselves talking to God, asking the Universe, what is our mistake? Why give it all to us just to take it away? What is it that we are not seeing?

      I remember dropping so low to a point where we were days away from closing down our beloved business. During the lowest low, I often find myself turning everything over to God, surrendering it all to Him to do as He pleases. I often find myself letting everything go from my mind and heart in complete submission to the will of the Divine; and it is in moments like these where miracles are born.

      Over and over again, people would come pouring in with help from areas we never could have anticipated; sales would just be pouring in from simple actions that we take and ideas would come flooding in out of nowhere; like a revelation of the future flashing before our eyes endlessly. It is in moments like these that we are ASSURED of the presence of God in our lives. Being exposed to that, taught me that we are never alone. It showed me that through humility, we are able to open ourselves up to the Grace of the Universe. It proved to me that by giving up control, our lives will be pivoted by someone greater than us. 

      This piece was made with the intention to strengthen our Faith in the Universe; and to trust that we are always guided in ways that we can never imagine. It was made to help us embrace the possibility of Divine Guidance; and to be open to its miracles.

      Your birth was not an accident. Your birth was meant to be. You are meant to be a light in this world. You are meant to be so much more to those around you. Every moment before you has been preparing for your birth. Claim it! Claim your birthright and shine your light in a way that is impossible for someone else to follow; because the world is here to experience YOU.

      As Oprah once said, 'I come as one, but i stand as ten thousand. So the next time you feel down, remember that you can call upon the strength of all those that came before you; the strength of your ancestors; of the known and the unknown; the seen and the unseen; the remembered and the forgotten; because you come as one, but you stand as ten thousand..."


      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Bracelet
      Material        : Natural Stones, Brass
      Stones          : Natural Volcanic Lava Rock, Amethyst, Tiger's Eye, Jasper, Buddstone, Apatite
      Colour           : Gold, Black, Earthy Tones, 7 chakras color, Rainbow hues
      Thickness    : 10mm
      For customized orders, our designers will contact you within 48 hours from your purchase time and guide you step by step in the process of creating your own masterpiece.


      1) Natural Stones: 

      Tiger's Eye: Protection, willpower, intuition, confidence, clarity, heal broken bones, fertility, enhances other stones, courage in recognizing ideas

      Amethyst : In ancient times, the amethyst was worth as much as diamonds. Stone of faithful love, fire & passion, creativity, spirituality and sobriety. Brings new ideas to life and also a talisman of focus & success.

      Jasper : Stone of Abundance, Success, Prosperity, Nurturing, Increase Energy/Strength/Love, Connects with our inner self, Aids in liver/kidney/intestinal problems, heartburn

      Buddstone aka African Jade : A stone of stamina & patience, great for parents, teachers, elders & caretakers. Abundance for business, improves intuition, hearing, lightens our body, removes energy blockages, connection to elders, improves relationships, Divine wisdom, Opens our hearts to connect with nature's unconditional love

      Apatite: A dream stone to achieve goals, aids in communication, enhancing memory, concentration, aids in problem solving, knowledge into the future for those attuned to her, heals bones, increases metabolic rate, stimulates eyesight

      Volcanic Lava Rocks: Stone of Strength, protection, stability, fertility, understanding, wisdom and keeps us grounded. Excellent for blood circulation and to be used in baths and water for purification. 





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