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"Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God"


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"Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God"


Custom Order


  • Product Description

      Why Am I Attracted To This Piece?

      Desires a deeper connection with mother nature, Deeper understanding of oneself, Discovering one's Divine purpose, Aligning the mind with the heart, Lack concentration, Lack willpower, Procrastination, Confused by desires, Feel unworthy   of abundance, Want to contribute to society, Prioritise others before oneself

      How Can This Creation Help Me?

      Protects our Aura from being influenced by scarcity/fear/negativity, Keeps us grounded & deeply rooted in ourselves, Brings Divine love, Stress Relief, Peace & Harmony, Abundance, Willpower, Clarity, Deep connection with intuition, Self-love, Cleanses negativity, High concentration, Divine wisdom, Balance

      Intention & Wisdom From This Creation :

      "If you find yourself connected to this piece, chances are is that you feel a need for change to take place in your life. Though things may be going good for your right now, however a part of you still feels a sense of emptiness within. You feel uninspired and sometimes wonder if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. You find yourself constantly seeking the Divine in your life for guidance and signs; and though you see flashes of inspiration every now and then, however the thought of following that voice scares you.

      It scares you to think of the magnitude of the work involved; the scale of what needs to be done and the challenges that may await. You fear that the path ahead is not for you; or more accurately, you fear the 'Power' that you truly are. You fear the uncertain path of Greatness; the path of fulfilling your 'Calling'...

      They say that the road to greatness is like driving in a fog with your headlights turned on. You can only see as far as your headlights shine; however every now and then, the fog clears up a little, and you get to see a little further. The only thing that keeps you going is your 'Faith' in reaching the destination; no matter how long it takes. Greatness requires the same ingredient, 'Faith'. It requires us to listen to the voice inside rather than the noise outside. It demands from us to pay attention to the whispers in our hearts and to realize that a destiny awaits; because clearly, God is not done with us yet...

      However big the vision or dream may seem, it is important to know that the reason we are able to see it, is because God wants us to see it; not our neighbours, not your siblings, not your spouse; You! The thought of chasing it excites you and scares you at the same time. It lights you up like no other, yet causes you more anxiety than anything else. There is a saying that, 'If your dream doesn't scare you, it is not big enough'. So the question remains, where do you begin? 

      Firstly, your job isn't to try and figure out the way. Your true work is focus on the outcome, and take each moment at a time. Do what's right and best for the moment; just like driving in a fog, one mile at a time. Your job is to tune in to your intuition, and to allow the Divine in you to guide your actions each step of the way; leave the rest of the details to God. He knows what to do. 

      Ask anyone who's ever achieved something great in their lives, if they knew where life would lead them, the answer will most certainly be 'No'. Most people know the outcome that they wanted to achieve, however none of them saw the Greatness that followed. So trust in your vision and heed your call. Allow the Universe to show you the way. Don't worry about your life and needs, because the Universe loves people who give and people for are grateful for what they have. And if you every find yourself in moments of doubt and hardship, just remember to, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added on to you..."


      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Necklace, Backlace
      Material        : Natural Stones, Stainless Steel
      Stones          : Tiger Eye, Jasper, Citrine, Apatite, Amethyst, Fluorite 
      Colour           : Golden, Rainbow Hues, Chakras tone
      Length           : 45cm front


      For customized orders, our designers will contact you within 48 hours from your purchase time and guide you step by step in the process of creating your own masterpiece.


      1) Natural Stones: 

      Tiger's Eye: Protection, willpower, intuition, confidence, clarity, heal broken bones, fertility, enhances other stones, courage in recognizing ideas

      Citrine: Stone of Abundance, Attracts Prosperity, Success, Happiness, Acquiring Wealth, Maintaining Wealth, Encourages generosity, Heals infection in kidneys & bladders, enhances stamina, nourishes skin

      Apatite: A dream stone to achieve goals, aids in communication, enhancing memory, concentration, aids in problem solving, knowledge into the future for those attuned to her, heals bones, increases metabolic rate, stimulates eyesight

      Amethyst : In ancient times, the amethyst was worth as much as diamonds. Stone of faithful love, fire & passion, creativity, spirituality and sobriety. Brings new ideas to life and also a talisman of focus & success.

      Jasper : Stone of Abundance, Success, Prosperity, Nurturing, Increase Energy/Strength/Love, Connects with our inner self, Aids in liver/kidney/intestinal problems, heartburn

      Fluorite : Genius Stone. Excellent for cleansing & purifying our mind, body and soul; aligning your mind with your true hearts desire. Brings peace when there is chaos, great for focus, stress relief, clearing confusion, restoring balance and concentration. Brings emotional stability,  provides stability and mental clarity, harmonizes our spiritual energies while inviting compassion into our lives. 


  • Product Details
    • Variant: BUY THIS
    • SKU:
    • In Stock: 98
    • Weight: 0.2 kg
    • Product Type: necklace
    • Collection: Necklace
