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"Growing Will Always Feel Like Breaking At First"


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"Growing Will Always Feel Like Breaking At First"


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  • Product Description
      "When these stones calls out to you, chances are is that you find yourself in a state of imbalance; trying to adjust to 'New You'. At times you feel like you're making progress, however there always seem to be something that goes wrong, knocking you back to your old habits; starting all over again.Though every inch of you wants to create this new 'You' that you've been dreaming about, however fighting your way out of it seems to be the hardest thing in the world.
      I remember the time i quit smoking after 14 years of being addicted to it. It was probably one of the most difficult times for me as i've been hooked on it from the age of 14 until i was 28. I would often stop for a day or two, only to stop by the shop for a little puff on the third day; needing to start all over again. I knew that if I could hang on for at 2 weeks, I would have the strength that I needed to go 2 more weeks without cigarettes. However for some reason, those 2 weeks felt like eternity. Getting by a day without them felt like the longest year of my life.
      I felt weak, powerless and broken. My inability to overcome my smoking habit made me feel like i let the people that cared about me down; like i let myself down. It tore into my self-esteem and confidence, making me feel incapable of walking the talk. It brought my self-worth down; making me feel unworthy of greatness just because I couldn't overcome my habit of smoking; until this happened.
      Instead of beating myself up so bad, I decided to teach myself to undo these habits. I made a vow that regardless the circumstance, I will quit smoking and I will find a way to teach others to do the same once i'm successful. I gave myself the time that i needed to learn from it with one condition, that i will work on it each and everyday; 1% at a time until i'm able to let it go 100%. I told myself that it's alright to slip up, as long as i'm learning from it. 
      Each time i would resort to smoking, I would ask myself before taking the first puff, 'What is making me want to smoke right now? Why am I considering it? What triggered it?' Is it pleasure after food? Is the calm that it brings to the mind in order to creatively think? Is it the beers? Is is the toilet break habit? Etc.
      By tactically breaking down each trigger, I manage to replace those moments of pleasure with new moments of pleasure. I knew that if i was going to kick cigarettes, I would end up eating desserts excessively. The reason smokers don't have desserts is because the cigarettes have become a substitute for sweets. That's the reason why most people who quit smoking puts on an incredible amount of weight.
      So instead of having desserts, I decided to change sweets into celery sticks. I removed the thinking of 'Want' with the thinking of 'Need' in my mind which allowed me to find new pleasures with eating healthily. Did i like it? No! Of course desserts tasted better; but did my body need it? Yes! By shifting my focus, I managed to 'AVOID' from replacing an unhealthy habit with another unhealthy one.
      By finding new healthy ways to replace the old habits, I was able to kick smoking once and for all. What it did to my body, only time will tell. However what it did to my mind, was that I felt 'UNSTOPPABLE!' I knew now that nothing in the world was going to control me, and that I had the willpower and the drive to create the reality and the life that I want. I felt Divine... I felt Grace...
      From there, i went on a mission to quit everything that held my life ransom; all the addictions of life. From coffee to alcohol, desserts to my favourite food items. I had control over my desires and most importantly, those cravings no longer had control over me.
      Now that I look back on my journey, I realized that the one difference i made in that process apart from what you have read, is that I allowed myself to have the time that I needed to heal. I allowed myself to go back and forth of smoking in the 'Right Way' throughout the process without beating myself up.
      I recognized that going back and forth doesn't meant that i'm not making progress. It simply means that my body is trying to adjust to the new changes. It means that i was breaking away from 'What Was', in order to make space and welcome 'What Will Be'.
      Like Jay Shetty said, 'Growing always feels like breaking at first'. Therefore this piece was made with the intention of keeping you relaxed & grounded with love and empathy, while allowing you the space to heal from the habits that has been holding you back in order to transform into the new you..."

      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Necklace 
      Material        : Natural Stones, Stainless Steel
      Stones          : Agate, Tiger's Eye, Hematite
      Colour           : Black, Green, Silver, Blue Hues
      Length           : 55cm


      For customized orders, our designers will contact you within 48 hours from your purchase time and guide you step by step in the process of creating your own masterpiece.


      1) Natural Stones: 

      Tiger's Eye: Protection, willpower, intuition, confidence, clarity, heal broken bones, fertility, enhances other stones, courage in recognizing ideas

      Agate: Strength, Relaxation, Balancing Yin Yang Energies, Anger Management, Good Luck, Heals Relationships, Improves Eyesight, Relaxation, Love, Harmony, Marital & romantic fidelity, protection, Children's amulets , Forgiveness

      Hematite :  (Nickname: The Iron Rose) Strength, Stability, Balance, Blood Disorders, Stress Relief, Reynaud's disorder, Strengthen's silver cord


      Stay Different, Stay Real... always

      #WTFBracelet #StayDifferentStayReal



  • Product Details
    • Variant: BUY THIS
    • SKU:
    • In Stock: 100
    • Weight: 0.2 kg
    • Product Type: necklace
    • Collection: Necklace
