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"My Life Is My Truth"



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"My Life Is My Truth"


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  • Product Description
      "If you are here, chances are is that you are looking for way to express yourself to those around you; hoping that they'll understand you better. You may have been living a life based on the expectations of others, however those moments have led you here and we are glad to say that things are going to change dramatically for you.
      This piece was made with the intention of helping you discover your life's choices yet giving you the courage to live up to who you truly are. To be unapologetic about yourself and be the best version of 'YOU'. To be truthful in your words, deeds and being.
      Use this necklace with the intention that truth will be your number one language, and that the first person that needs to 'Like' you, is 'YOU'! Your solace, comfort and home lies in no one else but you. So stop disconnect with others for a moment, and start reconnecting with yourself.
      Ask yourself, 'What is it that i do better than anyone else with the least amount of effort?' From this space, you cannot help but be a genius in everything that you do; and that is the ultimate truth..."

      10% from each purchase goes back into our World...✵

      By taking home this beauty right here, know that you've given back to the World...

      Category      : Necklace 
      Material        : Natural Stones, Brass, Cotton, Stainless Steel
      Stones          : Sodalite 
      Colour           : Gold, Storm Blue, Black
      Length           : 50cm

      All items purchased from WTF come with a matching jewellery packaging. Lend your gift a more personal note with one of our greetings cards.


      1) Natural Stones: 


      Sodalite/Storm Bead often called a Poet's Stone, it can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions and love.

      Properties: Stone of truth, knowledge, logic, communication. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought.

      It is said in crystal healing to be beneficial for the glands, diabetes, digestive system, lymphatic cancer and relieving insomnia.

      Magical Uses: This stone has a vibration that aids truth, and helps you to better understand the life you are living, and how you came to be in the situation in which you find yourself. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. 

      Element: Water, Wind

      Commonly found: Brazil, Russia, Greenland, Romania, France, India, Myanmar, Namibia, Canada and the USA.

      Birthstone: Sagittarius

      Element: Water, Wind

      Commonly found: Burma & Afghanistan

      Birthstone: Pisces, Sagittarius 


      Stay Different, Stay Real... always

      #WTFBracelet #StayDifferentStayReal



  • Product Details
