EASTER PROMO! Get a FREE WhatsApp reading for every purchase made from Now until 30th April!


Over the years, there were lots of people that were crucial to us surviving as a brand; contributing in ways that we can only imagine; encouraging us with support, ideas; even physically just so that we can get things done...

Because of you we still exist and it is because of you that we are still allowed to do what we love and to continue putting out our creations into the world...

As part of our #StayDifferentStayReal project, we would like to dedicate this page to all of you, the people that made us who we are today. We want to send your beauty back into the world; sharing your ideas, stories and hearts; so that someone, somewhere around the world, will be able to hope and dream once again; all because you believed...

10% from every creation sold will be donated to a charity of the creator's choice...xoxo

